A revolutionary sensory toy
A sensory toy created thanks to the creativity of a 4-year-old boy and the technical skills of his dad.
Welcome to our page dedicated to the sensory toy that is the result of the relationship between father and son. Meet our adventure that begins with love and creativity between two guys.
We’ll tell you how it all started.
One sunny autumn day, our 4-year-old boy named Olaf gave himself up to play inspired by his discovery of the fascinating world of sensory toys. This moment inspired us all. Oli, as we often call him, like every child, is full of enthusiasm and creativity, and at the same time – which, as you know, is often frustrating – he has the ability to notice and enjoy simple everyday objects, disregarding the best toys made especially for children. Instead of playing with the latest model of a set of popular blocks, Oli often uses items available in our house. At that time, he liked the kitchen utensils the most. To create his own unique sensory toy, he grabbed a pot mat from the kitchen and paired it with his stretchy, flexible, inconspicuous rubber worm.
Children instinctively choose different tactile stimuli, and because we observe parenting influencers talking about how important it is for children’s sensory development, we pay attention to such situations.
So I, as Oli’s dad, also paid attention to this spontaneous fun. I decided to complete the work of our little inventor, use my technical experience, create a production model of this wonderful sensory toy. During the implementation, we used durable materials that were safe for children and properly adapted to small fingers. The first step was to create a 3D model, which of course was thoroughly tested and approved by our son. The next step was to choose a safe material. During the implementation, we used durable materials that were safe for children and properly adapted to small fingers. Olaf’s mother took care of the coloring. Once our sensory toy was ready, we decided to share this solution with other families. We decided to start a small production of our toy to be able to make it available to children who can enjoy discovering it, just like our Oli.
Thank you for visiting our website and learning about our history. We believe that every child deserves inspiring experiences that develop their minds and senses.
Together as a family, we can create great things!

Wiggly Toy
We invite you to discover a revolutionary new toy that will change the way children develop their manual and sensory skills. This set is a real novelty on the market, which is protected by a patent, which means that we are the only supplier of this product. This unique set consists of an elastomer worm – a cylinder-shaped hose and a matrix that enable stable placement of the worm in the shape invented by the user.
It is a tool that will not only provide the child with a lot of fun, but also contribute to its development in many aspects. Thanks to this set, children will have the opportunity to develop their manual, sensory, intellectual and imagination skills, while experiencing a lot of emotions and pleasure. Each arrangement of the worm on the matrix is like placing blocks in a game, giving unique satisfaction and joy of creating your own shapes. And most importantly, this toy has an anti-stress effect, which makes it an ideal tool for both children and adults.
This set is made of durable materials to serve for a long time, and the heat resistance of the material means that it can be used in many ways. We believe that our set will be not only great fun, but also a great opportunity to get to know yourself and your abilities. Check for yourself what distinguishes our toy from others and see for yourself that development and fun go hand in hand! Plus, when your child gets bored with a toy, you don’t have to throw it away! It can be successfully used as a pad for hot pots, because the material from which it is made is thermally resistant. Thanks to this, your toy will not lose its value, and you will gain a practical tool for the kitchen!
What do others say?

Wiggly Toy to wspaniała zabawka sensoryczna, która doskonale spełnia swoje zadanie. Jej różnorodne tekstury i kształty inspirują dzieci do kreatywnej zabawy, jednocześnie wspierając rozwój sensoryczny oraz zdolności motoryczne. To naprawdę innowacyjne narzędzie, które zachwyci każdego malucha!
Zabawka sensoryczna Wiggly Toy to absolutny hit w naszym domu. Dzieci uwielbiają jej miękką fakturę i elastyczność, a także możliwość tworzenia różnych kształtów. To nie tylko świetna zabawa, ale także doskonały sposób na relaks i koncentrację. Polecam każdemu rodzicowi, który poszukuje edukacyjnych i angażujących zabawek.
Zabawka sensoryczna Wiggly Toy to genialne narzędzie do rozwijania zdolności motorycznych i sensorycznych u dzieci. Jej różnorodna tekstura i kolorystyka wciągają maluchy w fascynującą zabawę, rozwijając jednocześnie ich wyobraźnię.
Get to know our toy
Safe material
Wash in the dishwasher
Developing and enjoying
Pot pad
Want to work with us?
USA Sales:
M&M Pivot Enterprises, Inc
131 Continental Drive, Suite 305
Newark, DE 19713